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  • Evolve Health Services

The Spread of Monkeypox is On the Rise

What is Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a disease caused by the Monkeypox virus. It is part of the family of viruses that cause Smallpox. Monkeypox has been around since 1958 when the first outbreaks occurred in two colonies. However, scientists are unsure of the disease's source.

How is Monkeypox Spread?

Monkeypox can be contracted through contact with an infected individual and respiratory secretions.

Symptoms of Monkeypox

  • Headache

  • Fever

  • Chills

  • Fatigue

  • Sore throat

  • Nasal congestion

  • Cough

  • Pimple or blister-like lesions that may be on the genitals, anus, feet, hands, chest, face

Monkeypox Treatments

Recently, the CDC has revealed no current treatments for the Monkeypox virus. Severely affected patients have been treated with medications previously used to treat Smallpox. The current Smallpox medications are:

  • Tecovirimat (TPOXX)

  • Vaccinia Immune Globulin Intravenous (VIGIV)

  • Cidofovir (Vistide)

  • Brincidofovir (CMX001/Tembexa)

Who Can Get the Vaccine?

Monkeypox vaccines are limited to those who have been exposed or are in danger of contracting the virus. JYNNEOS is the vaccine the FDA has approved for emergency use in patients at least 18 years old. This two-dose vaccine is administered to the patient 28 days apart.

Preventing Monkeypox

In order to prevent exposure, the CDC has recommended:

  • Avoiding any physical contact with anyone experiencing a rash similar to Monkeypox

  • Avoiding the use of any objects used by those who are experiencing Monkeypox symptoms

  • Wash your hands as much as possible.

As more updates become available, you can count on us at Evolve Health Services to keep you informed on the Monkeypox virus.

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